gingivtis, periodontitis questions and answers

we are going to see some of the information people suffering from gum infections are looking follow, below are some of the most common question we research and find that many gingivitis and periodontitis patients are asking
  1. how to tell if your gums are healthy
  2. how to get rid of gingivitis fast
  3. how long does it take for gingivitis to turn into periodontitis
  4. how do i know if my gingivitis is getting better
  5. how long does it take for gingivitis to go away
  6. what are the main features that differentiate periodontitis from gingivitis
  7. can advanced periodontal disease be reversed
  8. Is periodontal disease reversible in dogs?
  9. how to get rid of periodontal disease
gum infections are of two types , the gingivitis and te periodontitis, the gingivitis is the mere inflammation of the gum, it is mostly characterized by a swollen, bleeding and red gum while a periodontitis , it is usually characterized by a cavity or a tooth decay. the first can be reversed by maintaining a good oral hygiene, good nutrition and regular flossing and the use of antibacterial mouthwash.

 how to tell if your gums are healthy

To tell if your gum are health here are some of the things to look into
A healthy gum is a gum free from all gum diseases, what are these gum diseases  , they are gingivitis, periodontal diseases , a healthy gum is a gum free   from the symptoms of any of the above diseases, 
   your teeth gums can only be said to be healthy if they are free from any of the following
1.      Bleeding:  if your gum is not bleeding, when you do not see blood when your spit out saliva or when you brush your teeth, then you have a healthy gum, people suffering from bleeding gum will see blood when they are  brushing their teeth.
2.      Swollen gum; this is when a gum appear reddish and swollen, a swollen gum is different the rest of the gum, a swollen gum  appear different the rest of the gum,
3.      A reddish gum, a unhealthy gum will usually have a destroyed blood vessels  by bacteria, a reddish gum is usually swollen and painful,  symptom of gingivitis.
4.      Receding gum: when you have a receding gum , your teeth appear longer than normal due to the destruction of the gum by the bacteria,
5.      Smelly mouth:  when you have a smelly mouth it is a big sign that you have bacteria in your mouth, this bacteria are known to cause a diseases can gingivitis, a gum infection resulting to loss of the strength of your teeth gums.
When you don’t have a reddish, swollen , receding or bleeding gum, we can say that you are having a healthy gum, whereas when you have any of the of the above , they you have an unhealthy gums.
how to get rid of gingivitis fast
Gingivitis is the swollen of the gums , reddening and bleeding of the gum, it cause by the presence of periodontal bacteria in the mouth, it is one of the early symptoms of periodontitis.  It can also be caused to loss in the body immunity or sudden lose of weight.
 The fasted way to get rid of gingivitis is to follow the steps I am about to outline
1.      The first method is to apply pressure to the swollen, reddish or bleeding gum , when you apply  a pressure to the bleeding gum,  the  applied pressure get rid of contaminated blood in your gums, the bacteria and refreshes the gum, it may be painful but it worth doing it
2.       The next step is to use saline water, mix a highly concentrated salt solution,  3 teaspoonful of salt in water in a small glass of water, preferable a warm water,  put the saline water in your mouth for like ten minutes and rinse your mouth,
3.       It may be painful, because but it worth doing it,  the highly concentrated salt solution will dehydrate the bacteria, when this bacteria are dehydrated, they will eventually die and remove from your mouth the next time you brush your teeth.
4.       The  next step is to keep the oral hygiene rule, brush your mouth twice daily, in the morning before eating anything or after, before going to bed.
5.      Use anti-bacterial toothpaste: research shows that antibacterial toothpaste are 40% more effective in getting rid of bacteria from the mouth than normal toothpaste.

how long does it take for gingivitis to turn into periodontitis

Periodontitis can be aid to be advance state of gingivitis or worst still the deteriorated state of gingivitis,  periodontitis is when the  gum decay result to lost of tooth or permanent damage to the tissue of the teeth, when there is an irreversible damage to the gum tissues then the condition is said to be periodontitis.
 Gingivitis can turn to periodontitis within 2 to 6 month depending on the many factors.
 The time take for a mere swellings, redness and gum bleeding to turn to periodontitis  can vary depending on the body immunity of the patient and the state of the hygiene of the patient,
 A patient with strong body immunity  can fight Back the bacteria causing the gingivitis , the activities of this bacteria is slowerred and so their effect, our blood have antibodies and antigens , when this are available in enough quantity , attacks by foreign bodies is minimal.
 Whereas a body with low immunity can cause several immunity lack , the above defense and bacteria continue with their activities.
  The state of the hygiene of the patient, a gingivitis patient who maintain a good oral hygiene, regular brushing of the teeth . expelling these bacteria  daily can stop the gingivitis before it deteriorate into periodontal diseases. A patient with poor oral hygiene on the other hand is exposed to much more periodontal disease causing bacteria.

how do i know if my gingivitis is getting better

 Your gingivitis can only be said to be getting better if one of the following occurs
1.      You don’t have a chewing problem: if after undergoing a series of gingivitis treatment and founds that you can now chew comfortably without any problem , then it is a good sign that your gingivitis is going
2.      No more sensitive tooth: a sensitive tooth , is the a tooth that gives you a sharp pain when you bite food using it, do you twinge when  you eat or drink  from one side of your mouth, if this feeling is still persistent then  your gingivitis still have long way to go.
3.      Bleeding gums: when you no longer see blood when you  brush your teeth or spit out saliva in the morning,  then your gum is healing and it is getting better.
4.      Swollen gums: when your swollen gums disappeared and you are left with a beautiful gum , then probably your tooth and gum problem is healing.
5.      Painful  gum: do you still feel pain when you use your finger to torch your gum, painful gum is one of sign of gingivitis, when  you no longer feel that pain then your teeth and gum infection is almost over.
6.      When that bad mouth foul odour is absent: when you no longer have  that foul mouth odour that you are known for , it is a sign that the bacteria in your gum are inactive and not multiplying.
7.      No more receding gums: a receding gum is when you open your mouth and some teeth appear longer than the others due to damages to these gums by bacteria, when this disappear and your teeth look all same size.

how long does it take for gingivitis to go away

To completely get rid of all gum diseases symptoms it can take some time,  it  will take  from 10 days , 2 week or even a month, note that the gum deterioration did not happen I a day, it take time  and so also for it to return back to the normal state it will have to take some times.
 To treat a gingivitis, a the bacteria causing the infection need to be stopped, their niche need to destroyed ,t they have to be starved or dehydrated, the tissue destroyed has to be rebuilt.
  The time taken For gingivitis to be fully recovered ,  some the following factors
·         The state of patients body immunity
·         The kind of treatment given
·          And the general body hygiene of the patient
A patient with a low body immunity lack the effective mechanism to combat infection, therefore it will take a longer time for the all the symptoms of gingivitis to be completely out, whereas a person with a very strong body immunity can be healed in the possible shortest time.
 There are different treatment  to gingivitis, some takes a shorter time while other take a longer time , how fast the gingivitis cure depend on the treatment you chose
 The state of the patient oral hygiene is very important,               

how to get rid of periodontal disease

Periodontal diseases is the advanced stage of gingivitis, a gum infection characterized with  the swellings, bleedings and redness of the gum.
 Gingivitis can be prevented or reversed with good oral hygiene ,regular flossing or professional cleaning.
 But when the above  is not made. The condition will change to a more severe gum and tooth infection called the periodontitis, periodontitis is the a severe case, it affect the bones and ligament that hold the tooth, periodontitis will eventually result to a loss tooth.
 Periodontitis can be treated surgically or non-surgically, this method involve the removal of tartar and plaque from your teeth and gums,  a plaque is niche for bacteria while a tartar is destruction causes and acids/excreters  deposited by the bacteria on the teeth and the gums. After this the dentist will soothes away all roughness on the area to prevent  the building-up of other bacteria,  this method is called scaling and root planning (SRP).
 Gum grafting
 The next method of treating periodontitis s gum grafting, this the implanting of gum graft on the surface of an exposed teeth roots.  This gum graft is removed from the palate or the part of the patient body or other sources.
Building-up a new bone: this is a method of re-growing a lost tooth. A dentist or periodontist  will place a plastic or natural  bone and a protein to aid your body to regrow bone and tissue. This is done after the removal of plaques and tartars.
Above all the next step and most important it keeping to oral health, anything to prevent the rebuilding of bacteria should be implemented.  Regular teeth brushing and flossing from time to time.

what are the main features that differentiate periodontitis from gingivitis

Gingivitis and periodontitis a diseases of the gum are all cause by bacteria  that build-up around the teeth and the gums.
 The following are the most common difference between gingivitis and periodontitis,
Gingivitis is caused  by the presence of bacteria in the teeth and gum part of the mouth,  this result to swellings, redness and gum bleeding. While periodontitis is the advances stage of gingivitis,
 Gingivitis can be reversed with a good oral hygiene , daily brushing of the teeth and flossing while periodontitis  cannot be reversed it posses a permanent damages to the tooth and gum and can only be treated surgically.
 Gingivitis affects the gums of the teeth only while periodontitis affects the ligament and bone supporting the teeth.
Periodontitis an lead to tooth loss while periodontitis cannot lead to tooth lose.
Gingivitis causes a mild pain compared to periodontitis which posses great pain.

can advanced periodontal disease be reversed

Periodontal diseases cannot be reversed at the severe or advanced stage, note that a periodontal diseases has two stages, the gingivitis  which is just the inflammation, swellings and bleeding of gums of the teeth as a result of the reaction of the body ot the presence of periodontal bacteria and a periodontitis which is the severe case of gingivitis, periodontitis involve the loss of bones and ligaments that give support to the teeth.
 A periodontal diseases at the stage of gingivitis which is just a mere inflammation of the gum, swellings, bleeding and mild pain. Can be  reversed with a good oral hygiene , regular brushing of the teeth can  remove all the bacteria causing more infection and more.
   Whereas a periodontal diseases that reach to the level of tooth loss,  a decay in the bone supporting the tooth or the formation of cavities cannot be reversed.
 This is when the damages caused  by these bacteria spread down below the gums and along the roots of the teeth, causing destruction of the periodontal ligament and the supporting bone. This will result to chronic inflammation causing the bone of the jaw to be destroyed and the teeth to be lost.

Is periodontal disease reversible in dogs?

Periodontal diseases are gum and tooth diseases cause by the presence periodontal bacteria,  it is a diseases affecting the gum, tooth and the ligament and tissues that hold the teeth.
 Periodontal diseases are of two types, they the gingivitis and the periodontitis.
  A gingivitis only affect the gum of the teeth, it is characterized by swellings, redness and bleeding, it happen when there is poor oral hygiene or drop in the body immunity.
Whereas periodontitis is the gum and teeth infection that involve the receding of the gum, the  destruction of the ligament and the loss of the bone that connect the tooth and the other body part.
 Gingivitis can be reversed  be reversed with a good hygiene whereas periodontitis that cannot be reversed unless after a surgery.
In dogs  the most common cause of gingivitis is the presence of  canine bacteria and poor nutrition.
 Gingivitis in dogs can be reversed whereas periodontitis cannot be reversed. Or in other word the early stage of periodontal disease can be reversed whereas a  severe case can caused periodontal diseases
 There is no much difference between gum infection in human and in dogs, all are caused by the presence of bacteria, the only advantage human have over animals, is when a good oral hygiene can be maintained,  like a regular flossing, daily teeth brushing etc.

how to cure gum infection without antibiotics

Gum infections like  gingivitis and periodontal diseases are some of the gum infection caused by the presence of bacteria in the mouth,  this bacteria accumulate and build-up and with time causes infection.
 There are several ways o treat gum diseases but we are going o outline
1.      Boil a cup of water and a two teaspoon of salt, brush  your mouth first. After this rinse your mouth using the solution, you may feel a stinging sensation and some burning due to the difference in alt concentration between the rest of your body and the affected area. The large concentration of salt make absorption of water by bacteria impossible, this dehydrate bacteria and they die eventually.
2.       The 2nd  method is to use activated charcoal, activated charcoal is known to remove toxics , make a paste of activated  charcoal , put it in the mouth for about an hour. Spit it out and clean your mouth thoroughly, do this daily until you see improvement.
3.      use fruits reach in vitamin C: vitamin C is known for  the prevention of scurvy diseases, take fruits like oranges that are rich in vitamin C, you can alternatively take an overdose of vitamin C
4.      Bentonite clay: this is known for it ability to absorb toxics, put a small amount of this clay on the affected area just before bed time, and pit out everything in the morning, do not ingest it.
By following the above four steps you can cure your  swollen gums.