how to treat swollen gums near wisdom tooth

Swollen gums near teeth is one of the symptoms of gingivitis, an infection cause by the presence of bacteria at the , other infection that can cause swollen gum is pericoronitis and tooth abscess.

There are many ways to treat a swollen gum in the mouth , below are some .
·         Gargle the  a solution of warm water and salt, put like 3 teaspoonful of salt in a cup of warm water, and rinse your mouth,  the high concentration of the salt can hinder the ability of the bacteria to absorb water, tis in turn dehydrate the bacteria and it eventually dies.
·          The second method is the use of antibiotics : antibiotics like erythromycin, amoxicillin  are some of the antibiotics used to treat dental infections. This antibiotics can kill and inhibit the regrowth of bacteria.
·         The 2nd  method is to use activated charcoal, activated charcoal is known to remove toxics , make a paste of activated  charcoal , put it in the mouth for about an hour. Spit it out and clean your mouth thoroughly, do this daily until you see improvement.
·         use fruits reach in vitamin C: vitamin C is known for  the prevention of scurvy diseases, take fruits like oranges that are rich in vitamin C, you can alternatively take an overdose of vitamin C
·         Bentonite clay: this is known for it ability to absorb toxics, put a small amount of this clay on the affected area just before bed time, and pit out everything in the morning, do not ingest it.
By following the above four steps you can cure your  swollen gums.


  1. There is a chance this is not a gum abscess it may be an abscess at the root of a nearby tooth. If its a true gum abscess then you may have food lodged between gum and tooth that may have to be removed. It is very important ( more so when pregnant) to get this taken care of. The infection can effect the health of your child. You may be able to get an extraction of the tooth covered under medical insurance. In many areas there are free or low cost dental clinics you may go to as well. I wish you luck and these do not clear up on their own. The pain may go away if the abscess is able to drain but the infection and health risk is still there. Check out:

  2. The best cure for gingivitis
